Epsom and Ewell, Ashtead, Leatherhead: Candidates

Surrey Council council candidates

Epsom and Ewell:

Yvonne Grunwald
Yvonne Grunwald,
for Epsom West
Tony Foster
Tony Foster,
for West Ewell
Andy Bailey
Andy Bailey,
for Ewell Court, Auriol &
Jonathan Parkinson
Jonathan Parkinson,
for Epsom Town & Downs
Janice Baker
Janice Baker,
for Ewell Village, Stoneleigh &

ASHTEAD, Leatherhead:

Becky Wood,
for Ashtead
Sally Stewart,
for Leatherhead and Fetcham East

Local Council Elections

Epsom and Ewell:

Epsom and Ewell has local elections every 4 years. The next local election will be in 2027.

Mole Valley:

Ashtead and Leatherhead are in Mole Valley for local elections, and they have local elections every year, except for Surrey County Council election years. For Mole Valley local election candidates please click here.

2024 General Election MP Candidate

Epsom and Ewell (including Ashtead and leatherhead):

Stephen McKenna
Stephen McKenna

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