If you would like to become a member, join the local planning team, or contact us for any reason, please either email us at: greenparty.epsomandewell@gmail.com or fill in the form below:
If you’d like to make a donation to Epsom and Ewell Green Party rather than national party, then use the details below to make a direct bank transfer, or set up a standing order to give regularly.
Bank: Unity Trust Bank |
Sort Code: 60-83-01 |
Account: 20327954 |
Reference: DonatEE + family name |
For a one-off donation, if you don’t specify you would like to donate to Epsom and Ewell (by using reference DonatEE + family name), the money will be split 50/50 between Epsom and Ewell Green Party, and Mole Valley Green Party. Regular donations / standing orders will be split 50/50.
If the donation is over £500 we will need you to email us with some personal details to confirm you are a UK citizen etc, thanks.